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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Revolt, Vati, throw them all out.

Obviously, what we have been doing is not working. Our Democracy is on a path toward self-destruction. We have been letting the greatness steadily bleed out of America for over fifty years. And it is high time we hatch a plan which will halt our drift into mediocrity. We can neither control, nor reform, and dare not tolerate our Washington Representation, any longer. There is only one way left to save America: We must revolt.

This is still America, so no one has to die, we do not need guns to clean the corruption out of Washington. We can revolt peacefully, we still have the right to vote. And all we need do: Is vote our way out from under this mess.

The Senators and Congressmen, who rule the House and Senate, are never going to voluntarily give up their seats, and the source of their power; their pac-money, so wise-up, and vote smart. Vati, vote against the incumbents. Vote our legislators, which have been continuously legalizing-graft, out of office. I have been advising people for years: When in doubt, always vati. But only in the last few years has the urge to really push this concept become obligatory. Voting against the incumbents is the only viable method, by which we can reverse the America’s plunge into a fate; which no one even wants to believe, let alone see.

If we are going to declare war on our corrupt Legislators, prudence behooves us to learn all we can about them. Many congressmen and senators win their seats by very small margins, less than 5%. So if just 10% of the voters would vati, we could probably expel about 25% of our Senators and Congressmen. And you can bet: We would definitely get their attention. If as many voters would vati, as voted for Ross Perot in 1992 (He drew 18.9% of the popular vote.) we would likely unseat over 75% of both houses. Very few politicians win their seats by 19% of the vote.

Folks this is a very simple, do-able plan, which anyone can see, will definitely work. If we are ever going to wake up, and get serious about fixing our disintegrating Government, the last chance is upon us, so wake up now. The only question left: Is where are you going to place your loyalty, to the corrupt politicians, which you have been blindly supporting, or to America? You can’t serve two masters and be loyal, or useful, to either. And the only way, we are ever going to oust enough corrupt officials to demand drastic political reform, is to vati.

It really does not really matter what fuels your political zeal: Whether you want to save the spotted owl, secure our borders, protect the giant redwoods, or the North Slope, save some swamp, fight Global Warming, clean up a river, or whatever, all these things are going to cost some Powerful Big Business Money.

And our Politicians, beholding to the World's Financial Empires for their Pac-Money, are not going to allow anyone to achieve anything, which costs their Rich Donors, any money: So we only have one option: Usurp the reins of government; and reestablish Democratic Representation. And there is no single organization in this country which has the power to accomplish that feat alone. So the answer is very simple: Whatever your cause, or affiliation, you have only two choices; you can either stay on your knees, pleading too deaf ears, which will accomplish nothing, or we can all band together; Vati, and clean up Washington.

If we can expel enough Politicians out of Washington, to save America; we will all have a hoard of accommodating representatives asking to help promote our various causes. Politician’s egos are all wrapped up in their positions. There is only one thing in this World, which politicians actually love more than Pac-money: That is the heady feeling of power, generated by their influential positions, by their jobs. And on the very day our legislators learn that a disappointed electorate is desperate enough that a significant number will vati, they are going to be magically stricken with a burning desire to legislate on behave of their constituency, on behave of the Middle Class, on behave of the crowd you run with.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Please See: http:/ to see the whole article.
