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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Our Tax System Divides The Rich and Poor

We have millions of Americans unemployed, and millions more under employed, thousands of disgruntled Citizens marching in the streets of various cities, as of now, and a hoard of Politicians spewing enough political garbage to feed all the hogs in America, if it was just eatable, and/or brain wash every Citizen of the World: Yet, no one has attempted to carefully explain exactly what caused America’s extended drift into mediocrity, this dreadful financial recession, or the present Shaky Global Economy. And as yet, none of our know-it-all politicians have offered us, anything more than band-aids, which might help tide us over into an ever more threatening future.

Now don’t you believe that it is about time we all recognize: America should never endure any wild fluctuations in its economy? Or neither should we have suffered through fifty years, of steadily drifting into mediocrity, nor should we have ever been a part of, or one of the main contributors to; the shaky World Economy.

All of these down turns in our prosperity were not unavoidable natural phenomenon. America does not suffer a national fluctuation in her economic stability, because a hurricane runs up her East Coast, or because North Dakota Area suffers an arctic winter, or because Texas has a terrible drought, or even when millions of barrels of Crude Oil get dumped into the Gulf of Mexico. The wars America has fought have been, and continue to be, a serious drain on our economy. But they are not responsible for bringing America to her knees.
And neither has Social Security, in spite of the Political Disinformation, which has been extensively recycled, ever election since Ronald Regan introduced the idea that it was an unsustainable drag on America Economy; Social Security has actually been one of the most Economy Stabilizing Departments in Our Government.

Medicare has been a drag on our government but 90% of the problem with Medicare is Graft: This country is being ripped off by everybody from Wall Street, to the shacks of the needy. We need to spend billions of dollars training investigators and prosecutors to uncover fraud, and Fraudulent Enterprises, and put the Dishonest Leeches in jail.

If we really want to understand, and fix what is wrong with America, we must do adequate research, and figure out just what blunders got us into this mess. And then demand: Washington Legislators repair the damage. Erase all legislation which contributed to these fiascos, and replace the stipulations with ridged laws, which will forever prevent such a debacle from reoccurring.

And it will become rather obvious, quickly, when a person starts studying America’s decent into mediocrity, or the frightening, financial conditions, in which the American Middle Class now find themselves: That it is all about money. About how the government taxes our revenue, and yes; how they spend our money. It is about Wall Street, about how the Banks handle money, how the Speculators gamble with other peoples’ money and about how the Money-Traders globally juggle money, in search of unsavory usury fees. And we must not forget; it is always about the United States Government being the easiest mark on this Planet.

All of America’s Financial Troubles are directly related to Washington Legislative Malfeasance: As quid pro quo, for Pac-Money received, Our Washington Legislators, over the last sixty years, while America slipped deeper and deeper into mediocrity, not only lopped about two-thirds of the upper income tax-brackets. But they gave up their ability to limit how much money any one individual, or Company, can make, or Take; by completely killing the 80%, and higher, Income Tax Brackets.

And they not only made it legal to obtain any amount of money. Our Legislators continued to systematically tag thousands upon thousands of amendments, onto other legislation, which allowed the most affluent individuals and Financial Empires on Earth, more than enough loop-holes in our tax code, to avoid paying any income tax, on their ill gotten gains.

The old adage: “It takes money to make money,” is profoundly true. But those pithy words definitely need amended, with: “And the more money you accumulate, the easier it is to make money.” Sadly, the paralleling reality of the needy is: The less you have, the harder it becomes, to make money, to eke out a living.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt pointed out that: “The liberty of a Democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it comes stronger than their Democratic State itself. That, in its essence, is fascism-ownership of government by an individual, by a group.
And if I may add: Owning our Legislators, via Pac-Money, has allowed the Financial Empires, the Ultra Rich and even other Nations to amend our Income Tax Code and Banking Laws, almost at will, for their own benefit. And that ability, in essence, is ownership by proxy.

After the great Banking Debacle and the taxpayers had begrudgingly anted up billions of dollars to bail out the banks; the next news that hit the airwaves was: “AIG Executives, collectively responsible for their share of the Banking Debacle, received $200 million dollars, of taxpayer money, in the form of bonuses.”  When questioned about these outrageous bonuses, rip-offs, President Obama merely said: “It was legal.” And technically, though sad it may be; under our present watered down policies, and relaxed law enforcement, such thievery is legal; and running rampant.

But it was definitely neither right, just, nor reasonable. Combined, the Fannie Mae and Freddie agencies have cost taxpayers $169 billion, with the losses still mounting. Fannie's Michael Williams and Freddie's Charles Haldeman earned $9.3 million, and $7.8 million respectively, over the last two years. Which according to Republican Darrell Issa; “Gives them, the best taxpayer-financed jobs anyone ever latched on to.” It would be hard to guess what they might have been paid, had their firms shown a reasonable profit.
The largest bonus received heretofore went to Wall Street Trader, Adam Levinson. He reportedly received a $244 million, "golden handcuffs" deal, to keep him at a leading hedge fund. He was given the share grant by employer Fortress Investment Group LLC to stop him leaving for a competitor, or starting his own firm. [They evidently knew he was a real loyal employee.] After details of his mega-bonus leaked; Levinson claimed; “I’m worth it.” He made (took) nearly four times the $69 million pay package, the highest paid US chief executive, John Thain was paid last year by Merrill Lynch.

No person is worth even one-tenth of a $244 million in/per one year, to the company they work for, to the city, or state they live in, or to America. And if it is not right that the money was taken, if it was not earned, then it was stolen. And the world would be better off, had the man who took it, never lived. Any decent person would not have accepted such a bonus.
It has been said that: “Neither ego, nor greed, knows any boundaries,” and this travesty certainly proves that adage.
This one transaction also surely proves the utter inadequacy of our income tax system; which has totally relinquished control over how much the wealthy are allowed to steal.

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